I needed a break of scenery so decided to explore some new country . The area in question is well visited and popular and probably the main reason I have not been here earlier. I got into said hut at lunchtime and there was only one car parked up. They had left a message in the book saying where they were camped. I unpacked my gear and decided to head up a nearby stream to look for meat well away from the area mentioned in the hut book. 40minutes later we [ the dog and me ] came upon 2 goats in the middle of the stream and took one out for the canines dinner. We then retraced our steps to the hut in time to meet the two guys who had camped up the main stream for the last couple of days.
They reported that there was not much sign and none animals seen. Despite this I spent the next day in the head waters of the same creek as I wanted to sample the terrain and get a feel for the country in general. The result was no animals seen.
On my last day I decided to head up a south facing ridge down stream from the hut and hunt the valley the other side. It was a frosty morning and I was glad to reach the spine of the ridge and sample some warm rays of the sun. However after much glassing my rewards were zilcho. Time was moving on and not knowing the nature of the bush, I decided to back track and look for a leading ridge to take me down into the valley a long way off. It was whilst negotiating the long and undulating main ridge that a flash of colour caught my eye and low and behold lying down on a spur catching the same rays as ourselves was a stag. He must have caught our movement and was looking up to our position. I ranged him at 175 meters, I lay down and centered the cross hairs low on his chest and squeezed the trigger of my Sako Forester .308.
The Accubond 165 grain pill found its mark and a thud resonating back to me mingled up with the report. The spur was steep but eventually we arrived at the stags bedding place and the dog located him a few meters into the bush hung up on a couple of trees by his antlers. I had left my camera purposely in my vehicle so not shots were possible.
After securing the meat we decided to carry on down the same spur to reach the valley floor and found the going surprisingly good, eventually arriving at the hut and vehicle.
Then came the slap in the face. The truck would not start. I ended up walking 12 or so klicks to the nearest habitation for help. I was grateful for the offers of help from the guys there, and I was helped to jump start my vehicle and drive out. The problem being the starter motor that was found to hanging off with both bolts sheared through.
Darryn must stand out as “the man” and his efforts to help me went well beyond what I or anyone for that matter could possibly expect.
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