My new Huntech meat bag

I added on the Huntech carry straps then folded the meat bag and had it sitting in my Ridgeline Pikau alongside my day requirements I.E, spare knife, rounds, camera, lunch and dog biscuits.

First to fall was a young goat that was drilled with my Sako .222 it managed a short run up hill before folding and rolling back expired.

It was a dank and fog laden bush that I was in, slippery underfoot and treacherous because of that. Add in steep, and thickly vegetated and you have a fair description of conditions. I packed the Ridgeline with the two back legs of said goat and continued on hunting. The dog was still keen and I was doing my best to keep what scent he was picking up directed up his olfactory glands.

We made slow progress as we descended through the windfall and rock formations that permeated the gully we were in. Eventually pulling out on a spur, the other side of which I glanced up hill to see a hind motionless looking down at us, the range around 50 meters (yes an open stretch for a change!!) Smoothly I shouldered the ole Vixen and slipped a Barnes 53 grn. projectile just rear of her right foreleg. I saw her kick out with her right hind leg on impact through the scope, and feared my shot had not found the spot I had aimed at. We stayed motionless for some three or four minutes trying to hear her fall and tumble but heard nothing. Nada.

We made our way up to where the hind was last seen and there was no sign, no marks or blood or any real indication on which direction she had chosen. I chose to check her most likely route , being across and down, but came up empty handed. “Wilson my son” “Fetch” the pooch fluffed about for awhile then took off uphill into some thick vegetation, with me following, not exactly thrilled to be climbing. and at the same time fearing the worst. However after parting some particular heavy fern fronds the deer lay like the proverbial door nail, with Wilson sniffing its rear end.

To close this tale was how I begun, with the Huntech meat bag. I fitted in the two hind legs, two back steaks, liver, heart and kidney, plus the two goat legs, and I still had enough room for the dog……If I was silly enough to do that.

I now have the complete solution to my meat hunting. P.S. the carry out was of the short variety, but the meat bag solves “lack of room” in the Pikau problem.

Sako Vixen .222 and the fallen

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